The LMC Research Group
Our goal is to create a productive platform for the exchange of empirical and theoretical insights into human language, communication, and music. The network brings together experts in a variety of fields to create a fertile ground for the discussion of ideas on the modelling of verbal and non-verbal human communication, language processing as well as the comparative aspects of music and language.
Prof. Aria Adli, Department of Romance Languages, University of Cologne
Dr. Stefan Baumann, Department of Linguistics / Phonetics, University of Cologne
Prof. Martine Grice, Department of Linguistics / Phonetics, University of Cologne
Prof. Klaus von Heusinger, Institute for German Language and Literature I, University of Cologne
Prof. Nikolaus Himmelmann, Department of Linguistics / General Linguistics, University of Cologne
PD Dr. Ingo Meister, Center for Neurology and Psychiatry, University of Cologne
Dr. Doris Mücke, Department of Linguistics / Phonetics, University of Cologne
Prof. Martina Penke, Department of Psycholinguistics and Psychology of Language for Orthopedagogy and Rehabilitation, University of Cologne
Dr. Markus Philipp, Institute for German Language and Literature I, University of Cologne
Prof. Beatrice Primus, Institute for German Language and Literature I, University of Cologne
Prof. Petra Schumacher, Institute for German Language and Literature I, University of Cologne
Prof. Uwe Seifert, Department of Systematic Musicology, University of Cologne